Our Vision

Every child deserves a chance in life.

We believe that every child should live with a loving family, through support and education the child grows into a productive member of society.

Our Mission

To provide children with the opportunity to be the best versions of themselves by supporting their natural skills through formal and vocational education, with the hope that they will raise their own children in the same fashion.

Our Concept

  • At DIYA, we are non-denominational and gender blind, accepting all children and raising them together as brothers and sisters, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity and gender.
  • At DIYA, children are raised with love, pride and security. Each family consists of five to nine children where they live together in individual apartments that have all the amenities of a typical household.
  • At DIYA, the “Mother” is the main caregiver for each family. She is caring and loving. She runs the household independently and nurtures the children just as a natural mother would. Each "Mother" is carefully selected and trained before she is handed over full responsibility of a household.
  • At DIYA, children are integrated into the community through volunteer programs and scouting.

Our Objectives

  • Give children, who are deprived of love, affection and family care, a chance to live a family life.
  • Ensure children receive a formal education and counseling to help them identify their career path in life.
  • Foster and stimulate our children’s creative growth and cognitive development by incorporating activities such as sports, music and art.
  • Provide monthly pocket money for each child to grasp the value of money.
  • Encourage children, once they have reached an appropriate age, to gain professional experience through summer jobs to start planning for their future and moving towards independence.
  • Create a spirit of community among our children, and help them identify their rights and duties as responsible citizens, through social activities.
  • Work with our donors to provide DIYA with the tools and resources needed to meet these objectives, while realizing that it is only through their support that we will be able to continue enhancing our capabilities, sustainability, and future aspirations.

Our Model

Every child needs a loving family, and we believe family-based care is the best option. We provide a dynamic structure, in which children can grow together and share responsibilities, as well as the challenges and joys and of everyday life.

Boys and girls of different ages share a home and grow up together until the age of twelve. During this time, they learn the value of siblinghood and rely on each other for comfort and support. Teenage boys and girls transition into separate apartments under the supervision and guidance of a Mother.

After the age of sixteen, boys move into separate living quarters with a Mother and are given special privileges and responsibilities including part-time jobs during the summer holidays, in preparation for adulthood.

Once they have finished secondary school and entered college life, our youth move into a transitional apartment alongside the property. Guided by the management team, they attend college or vocational school, and seek jobs that enable them to manage their household expenses, as they move towards entire self-independence.

To further prepare our youth for the job market, we are one of the only orphanages that support and often provide work for them through the Human Resources Department of Alghanim Industries, as well as those of other companies. We coordinate with institutions to better understand the needed skills and ensure that our youth are trained to fill those gaps.

Our Management Team

We firmly believe that an achieving child is a happy child. To that end, our management is composed of passionate, dedicated men and women who are committed to raising the children in a happy, healthy environment. Our team encompass the values of compassion, understanding and love as they contribute differently and collectively to create a balance in the psychological, social, medical, and educational wellbeing of each child.

Location & Facilities

We are located in Souk El Ghareb, overlooking Beirut and the Mediterranean Sea. The 13,000m2 residence has ten modern and spacious apartments, in addition to administration offices, recreational areas and sports facilities, providing plenty of space for kids to just play and have fun.

The campus includes a playground, swimming pool, basketball court, infirmary for weekly doctor’s visits, quarantine room, music room, computer lab, workshop for arts and crafts, and a multipurpose room. Alongside the property, there is an annex for the boys’ residence, a transitional apartment with admin housing and a guest apartment.


  • “To a wonderful place in Lebanon! Thank you committed staff for your precious work with children.

    May God bless you all!”

    Anita Delhaas - World Vision
  • “Dear Guardian Angels!

    I am so happy that I met all of you! Staff, moms and children, you really have to be proud of what you do. God bless you, this house and this amazing family, full of love, care and joy.

    You will all be in my daily prayers during my life and after! I love you all.

    I will never forget this blessed day with you that I am having now, but I hope God will give me another chance to come back and visit this sacred home!”

    Josephine Trak
  • “It was a pleasure spending this day with the children here. We noticed how this great bond of cooperation is found between all the children. God bless them all!

    Thank you for this special day, wish the best”

    Red Cross - Youth Department
  • “Dear all kids, moms and staff at DIYA

    I wish the best of luck and a life full of happiness, love, peace and most importantly, for you to stay as a big happy family.

    We promise to help and always stay by your side to help you achieve your goals.”

    Red Cross - Youth Department
  • “To Everyone at Diya,

    Congratulations on raising such happy children in an atmosphere of happiness and enthusiasm. May you all continue to grow and thrive and learn. With much admiration.”

    Blanche Mansfield
  • “Bravo pour l'enthousiasme des mamans, des enfants, des éducateurs, et la joie des enfants. Un grand Merci à la directrice de la maison.”

    Delphie Gayrard - Directeur CCF
  • ”‬أن يكون الدار على هذا المستوى العالي في الجمال و الخدمة الإجتماعية هو فخر لنا و للوطن. لمسنا السعادة و الفرح على وجوه الأطفال، و رأينا الإهتمام و المحبة في قلوب الأمهات و وجدنا الدار بأحلى روعة.

    نتمنى إستمرار النجاح مع الشكر الكبير للمسؤولين و الإداريين و العاملين لهذا المشروع الذي يحتاجه الكثير من أبناء هذا الوطن.

    و أعياد مباركة و عام سعيد للجميع.“

    نبيل الريشاني
    مدير المدرسة التنوخية الوطنية - عبيه
  • ”‬العطاء، التضحية، التضامن، من القيم التي تنمّي المجتمع، فكيف إذا توافرت هذه القيم في مؤسسة كريمة، فاضلة، تغدق الخير و العلم و المعرفة و المحبة على كل فرد من أفرادها. هذه المؤسسة التي تحضن و تعطف و تحنّ على أولادها، فترفع من مستواهم، و تنمّي في نفوسهم التّسامح و الوفاء و العطاء.

    دمتم مؤسسة فاضلة خيّرة تساهم في رفع دعائم الوطن، و ترقية المجتمع‪.‬“

    جمانة العريضي
    المدرسة اللبنانية العالمية - طراد
  • ”‬لم أستطيع الوصف…أو التعبير…إنما لي أمنية واحدة الا وهي الاكثار من هذه الدار…في جميع المناطق.

    أقول لكم أنتم الأفضل في الإدارة و التعامل و قراءة ذات الأطفال و لكم فيهم أجيال بناءة.

    و شكرا لإستقبالي لديكم‪.‬“

    باسم عوض
  • ”‬كم هي جميلة تلك الصدفة التي قادتني لاتعرف على هذه الدار‪.‬

    هي صدفة تعرفنا على بعض لبناننا بجميع اطيافه و توجهاته‪.‬

    فدار الهام و يوسف الغانم تجربة فريدة ناجحة حبذا لو نجدها في كل بلدة و قرية لبنانية.

    لتكبر هذه البراعم اليافعة في جو من الانفتاح عى الآخر بعيدا عن احلام الكبار و الانقسامات المذهبية و الطائفية.

    إننا نهنئكم و نشد على أيديكم مع تمنياتنا بمزيد من النجاح لداركم الكريمة.

    آملين و راجين من الله ان تعم هذه التجربة على جميع لبناننا.

    و تفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام“

    أنور بشنق
  • “Thank you committed staff for your precious work with children.”

    Anita Delhaas - World Vision
  • “Staff, moms and children, you really have to be proud of what you do.”

    Josephine Trak
  • “We noticed how this great bond of cooperation is found between all the children.”

    Red Cross – Youth Department
  • “We promise to help and always stay by your side to help you achieve your goals.”

    Red Cross – Youth Department
  • “Congratulations on raising such happy children in an atmosphere of happiness and enthusiasm.”

    Blanche Mansfield
  • “Bravo pour l'enthousiasme des mamans, des enfants, des éducateurs, et la joie des enfants.”

    Delphie Gayrard
    Directeur CCF
  • ‪”‬أن يكون الدار على هذا المستوى العالي في الجمال و الخدمة الإجتماعية هو فخر لنا و للوطن.“

    نبيل الريشاني
    مدير المدرسة التنوخية الوطنية - عبيه
  • ‪”‬دمتم مؤسسة فاضلة خيّرة تساهم في رفع دعائم الوطن، و ترقية المجتمع.“‬

    جمانة العريضي
    المدرسة اللبنانية العالمية - طراد
  • ‪”‬أنتم الأفضل في الإدارة و التعامل و قراءة ذات الأطفال و لكم فيهم أجيال بناءة.“‬

    باسم عوض
  • ‪”‬إننا نهنئكم و نشد على أيديكم مع تمنياتنا بمزيد من النجاح لداركم الكريمة.“‬

    أنور بشنق